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Humour Chinois Coronavirus

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Important c est de l humour si ta compris l humour partage à tes pote et like moi cette vidéo nouvelle vidéo sur la chaîne il y en aura une par semaine à partir de maintenant j espère qu. I m not going to go into all of the facts of how the virus behaves and what to do if you come across it i ll leave that to the world health organisation and other trusted medical providers. Yes it might feel like it s too soon to be joking about the coronavirus but listen we get that coronavirus is serious 114 230 people have been affected and 4 005 people have died from it to date but non stop panic is also not helping anyone out. One s the coronavirus and the other is a verona crisis.

Stop freaking out wash your hands and share these covid 19 memes. The number of global coronavirus cases continues to rise. Funny coronavirus memes because the world is in a panic and humor is great for anxiety. Voilà de l humour chinois.

We have to get through this thing together and one of the best coping mechanisms is humor. Wuhan china the mysterious coronavirus that has killed at least four people and sickened more than 200 in china is capable of spreading from person to person a prominent chinese scientist. Rounding up the funniest jokes about the coronavirus from twitter instagram tiktok and beyond from comedians such as patti harrison patton oswalt carmen christopher norm macdonald and more. These coronavirus jokes might just take your mind off the apocalypse adjacent state of the world and serve as a reminder that there s always something however small to smile about.

What s the difference between covid 19 and romeo and juliet. Pékin le nouveau coronavirus apparu en chine n est pas aussi puissant que le virus du sras à l origine d une épidémie meurtrière en 2002 2003 mais se révèle plus contagieux. Subscribe to the channel it s 100 free don t forget to like the video it helps me huge. And don t hesitate to.

So whether the following guidance is for those who may have been exposed to it or choosing to self isolate to help slow its spread people are locking themselves in their homes. Yes you just don t need to take everything seriously all of the time. Which is why i ve come up with a collection of coronavirus memes and jokes to waste a bit more of your time when surfing.

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