Confinement Définition Humour
How to use humor in a sentence. After one hundred days of confinement following a bone marrow transplant i rejoiced in taking short walks to a nearby park as i was writing girl in hyacinth blue the uncertainty of my survival made every blade of grass gorgeous in its green intensity lifting itself up doing its part to make the world beautiful.
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The act of confining or the state of being confined 2. The state of being confined. The period from the. Humor is the american spelling.Confinement synonyms confinement pronunciation confinement translation english dictionary definition of confinement. Humor definition is that quality which appeals to a sense of the ludicrous or absurdly incongruous. Humour and humor are spelling variants of the same word which means the quality of being funny as a noun and to accommodate or entertain as a verb. Solitary confinement is a punishment and no prisoner can be subjected to it until such confinement is ordered by the jail authorities in respect of offence committed in the jail he argued.
Confinement definition of confinement by the free dictionary. Since humour has an extra u like united kingdom it should be simple to save humour for british audiences. Synonym discussion of humor. Humour is the british.
Confinement definition is an act of confining. Is it humor or humour. A funny or amusing quality. How to use confinement in a sentence.
The act of confining or the state of being confined. Mouawad qui est directeur du théâtre.
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